Thursday, September 23, 2010



This girl need some rest. No, she should get rest.

Rasa nak hantuk kepala against wall.

This girl having gastric but, she is very stubborn to consider in breaking her fast. Sayang la tinggal few hours only.

Vomit! No, she only feel want to.

Yes, she did took couple of hours in getting a nap at ofis but, always be bothered by phone calls. So, she had uneasy relax!

Getting ill. More and more.

Her fiance very anxious about her condition. Her sister always sms. They really worries on her. Dun be. I am fine regardless.


Please be hang on for not even 2 hours. And yet 2 more days to complete your 6 Syawal fasting.

InsyaAllah. I will pray for strong health.

PS: Thanks for concerning on me.


  1. macik! pose kalu dh memudaratkn, dh xde makna apape dh weih.. kosong, cemtu je...

    kalu dh sakit, nk taknak kene buke laa syg... if u gestrik lg teruk, then kene masuk wad n masuk air.. lg laa rugi brape hari...

    if buke harini.. esk lusa bleh ganti lg.. mmg laa syg pose nam tuh, tp syg diri seniri dl dear..

    neway, buke jgn mkn yg pedas or minyak byk sgt.. or else sure vomit..

    take care, aite! ubat jgn lupe.. (^_^)v

  2. Cik Sha, klu hari ni still sakit, xperlu pose k.

    Jgn biarkan perut tu sakit. Nnt sakit len yg dtg lak.
